Monday, June 17, 2013

Three Fears

2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
And speaking of zombies. . .

I'm not afraid that zombies will overcome my world.
Nor do I fear destruction when alien bombs are hurled.

My fears are much less grandiose. I have a fear of ants.
Perhaps not fear but just dislike that's grown, but not by chance.
When I was a teenager, I went to go to bed
But found my room invaded by creatures, large and red
Or maybe they were black ones, the type that eat at wood
Whatever these ants color was, I knew it was not good!
They crawled through my pajammas and all over my floor.
My walls, by bed, my windows and and dresser had some more.
I ran to get my mother to help me with my plight
She killed them but I still slept in the living room that night!
And since that night of trauma they really creep me out.
I'm not sure that I FEAR the things, but hate them?  Yes.  No doubt.
When I lived near the jungle, the ants were CRAZY there.
They added to my hatred and also to the scare.
And then one year at Christmas, while hanging up the lights
I found a fire ants' nest well hidden from my sights.
It's SO not fair at CHRISTMAS to have to watch for ants!
Just thinking of their biting ways, I do a little dance.

Now, something I'm AFRAID of though I give it little thought,
Is that I'll truly lose my mind to Alzheimer's or aught. 
I've had enough of nightmares, since I lived far away
In which I didn't recognize close family let's say.
My son went in the navy when he got out of school.
I dreamed he came, unrecognized.  It really was NOT cool.
Alzheimer's took my father until his liver failed
And since that time, with menopause, my memory has paled.
Oh, I've been told that Alzheimer's not handed down and yet . . .
I fear I'll turn to brainlessness - I'm half way there I bet!
View from my throne - mirror peeker
Another fear is probably due to way too much tv.
I worry that some lunatic has cameras trained on me.
I've had this fear for years now and I know it makes no sense.
I sure don't think I'm worth the peek that's taken by such gents
But there's the thing, these guys are nuts who spy on other folk.
So I worry someone's watching on my bathroom time, no joke. 
*rolls eyes* 


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Twenty Random Facts (about me)

Twenty random tidbits describing dear old me?
Can I even think of twenty?  Oh well, I guess we'll see!
The first is, I like peanuts, and I can tell you why.
As a youngin' cracking peanuts was a safe place for my eye.
If I looked at the peanuts, I didn't have to see
The scary, metal claw hand man who sat so close to me.
Today they don't let children to enter into bars.
I wish they'd had that rule back then I wouldn't bear such scars!
Speaking of scars, I've got plenty all over my body, it's true!
I died long before I turned twenty but came back to blog just for you!
In case you didn't know it,
I call myself a poet.

Blood of my blood and flesh of my own,
I once had four babies but now they are grown.
My children are precious and dear to my heart.
I wish they lived nearer - that's my fault, in part.
This one makes me giggle as if I had a tickle.
Last week I had a birthday, and turned the double nickel!

I don't have many favorites
My brain's too vague for picks.
It's hard to choose from many but
My favorite number is SIX.

We always had a garden when I was just a kid.
I learned so much in gardening that I am glad we did.
One thing I learned from growing was that fresher food tastes good.
And so I like my veggies just like everybody should.
When going to a restaurant, if asked just what sounds good,
Because I love my veggies, I'd vote for Chinese food.
The drug makers on tv have warnings by the score.
I do not know too many things but of this I'm pretty sure.
I've lived in several places where certain fungus grows.
I think I've even got one, but then again, who knows?
As a child, with seven siblings
I was born between two brothers.
I'll leave for you to do the math.
(Five sisters were the others!)
I have a real bad habit as habits tend to rate.
At least it seems that way to me.
I stay up WAY too late.

I have a cat.
Imagine that!
She's rather fat.
Referring back to number two, you think I'm such a joker.
But that's why I like turtle necks and why I wear my chokers.
Number three says I'm a poet,
In case you didn't know it.
My toes completely show it.
They're LONG fellows.
(seriously long toes)
I like pink flowers and pink lemonade.
Pink clothes in stripes and dots.
I love a sunset's rosy shade.
I just like pink and LOTS!

When I was turning sweet sixteen
I thought, for goodness sake
That everyone forgot me.
I thought that it was really mean
Till Mom brought home an ice cream cake
That she had stopped and got me.

I turned seventeen in intensive care
So very long ago.
And I, in traction, laying there
Was feeling pretty low.
With just two months of swift repair
I'd married my young Beau,
And we were such a happy pair.
So very long ago.
At first the doctors said that I would never walk again.
I proved them wrong although in truth they were such learned men.
The chance that I should bear a child was not good any more.  
When I was just eighteen years old, I had the first of four.
A snack that makes me lick my lips
Is creamed corn with potato chips.
I love to do some arts and crafts.
They are my mental safety rafts!
When I feel like I'm going mad
I do some crafts to make me glad!

And there you have it!  Twenty!
I think that will be plenty!