5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
1) When I was just a little kid down on the cellar stair
I'd play with Mom's old button box and find great pleasure there.
Today, I went out yard saling and found a button jar.
It thrills me even now to see how cool old buttons are.
I found a reproduction from a Hessian soldier's coat
With a Teutonic eagle and a nifty Latin quote.
ESX DEVS SPES NOSTRA it says which is to say
God is our hope, a nifty quote which still is true today.
Buttons still make me happy!
2) Ice cream makes me happy on a heated summer day
And probably in winter too, 'cuz ice cream's cool that way!
Gotta love ice cream!
3) I love my wee apartment out hiding in the wood!
The quiet makes me happy and the price is pretty good!
Ah, the woods of Harwinton! Home at last!
4) The sound of laughing children is like sunshine to my soul!
There's not a sound that's happier, an emotional sugar bowl!
5) My wonderful kids are the joy of my life.
They make me so proud I could cry
But being away from them cuts like a knife,
A sorrow I can not deny.
Yes, this opposition is a part of the plan.
Without it how well would we learn?
You better knew health when your illness began.
I love seasons best 'cuz they turn!
The shadows look darkest compared with the light
And evil stands out by the good.
Do opposites help us tell wrong things from right?
I'd choose joy every time if it could!
My kids make me happy. Sorry for getting preachy!