Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Potty Training the Cat

   My neighbor’s cat taught itself to use the toilet!  I can’t even imagine how that happened.  What a lucky break though!  Well, I’d heard of teaching your cat to use the can before and it didn’t dawn on me just how important it would be until I had a small apartment and a cat of my very own.  It seems that when I have company over, Misty, the cat in question, gets nervous and has to use the box.  She’s not the best at covering her tracks, so my guest is nearly asphyxiated by the smell of my cat’s poorly timed dump.  It’s pretty embarrassing to me.  If the place were bigger, if the cat could go outside, if she would cover up the foul smelling deed, it might not be so bad but unfortunately . . . 

   Well, my neighbor’s good luck has started me to thinking and thinking has spurred me into action.  I have been slowly moving the cat’s litter box nearer and nearer to the bathroom.  I move it about four feet each time and put something else where the box once was so she’s not tempted to continue going in the old spot out of habit.  I don’t suppose, since we’ve only lived here for just over a month anyway, that she’s had much chance to become fond of the original spot as yet.  

   On Sunday, it was behind the sofa, by the wall.  I moved it, still behind the sofa but away from the wall.  Monday, it moved closer to the hall. It had two stops that were too close to the kitchen for my pleasure.  Now, it is down the hall and right by the bathroom door.  She doesn’t seem to mind that I’m moving her litter box around.  She’s barely even looked at me funny because of it.  Maybe I’ve just not paid her any attention.  This is a definite possibility.  Anyway, soon, it will be IN the bathroom.  I think it will stay there for the night.  Tomorrow, we start in earnest!  Wish me luck!

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