Capstone Practicum
1) “In the second
chapter of the book that bears his name, Jacob condemns men for their
“whoredoms” (Jacob 2:23,18). He told them they had “broken the hearts of
[their] tender wives, and lost the confidence of [their] children, because of
[their] bad examples before them”” (Jacob 2:35).
“What were these grossly wicked “whoredoms”? No doubt some men were
already guilty of evil acts. But the main focus of Jacob’s great sermon was not
with evil acts completed, but with evil acts contemplated.”
“Jacob began his sermon by telling the men that “as yet, [they had] been
obedient unto the word of the Lord”
(Jacob 2:4) However, he then told them he knew their thoughts, that they
were “beginning to labor in sin, which sin appeareth very abominable … unto
God” (Jacob 2:5). “I must testify unto you concerning the wickedness of your
hearts” (Jacob 2:6), he added. Jacob was speaking as Jesus spoke when He said,
“Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with
her already in his heart”” (Matt. 5:28; see also 3 Ne. 12:28; D&C 59:6;
D&C 63:16).
Dallin H. Oaks – “Pornography” Apr.
2005 General Conference
2) “Pornography impairs one’s ability to enjoy a normal
emotional, romantic, and spiritual relationship with a person of the opposite
sex. It erodes the moral barriers that stand against inappropriate, abnormal,
or illegal behavior. As conscience is desensitized, patrons of pornography are
led to act out what they have witnessed, regardless of its effects on their
life and the lives of others.”
“Pornography is also addictive. It impairs
decision-making capacities and it “hooks” its users, drawing them back
obsessively for more and more. A man who had been addicted to pornography and
to hard drugs wrote me this comparison: “In my eyes cocaine doesn’t hold a
candle to this. I have done both. … Quitting even the hardest drugs was nothing
compared to [trying to quit pornography]”” (letter of Mar. 20, 2005).
Dallin H. Oaks – “Pornography” Apr.
2005 General Conference
3) “I know that I am speaking directly and
plainly. I do so because the Internet has made pornography more widely
accessible, adding to what is available on DVDs and videos, on television and
magazine stands. It leads to fantasies that are destructive of self-respect. It
leads to illicit relationships, often to disease, and to abusive criminal
Brethren, we can do better than this.
When the Savior taught the multitude, He said, “Blessed are the pure in heart:
for they shall see God”” (Matt. 5:8).
“Could anyone wish for a greater blessing than this? The high road of
decency, of self-discipline, of wholesome living is the road for men, both
young and old, who hold the priesthood of God. To the young men I put this
question: “Can you imagine John the Baptist, who restored the priesthood which
you hold, being engaged in any such practice as this?” To you men: “Can you
imagine Peter, James, and John, Apostles of our Lord, engaging in such?””
“No, of course not.”
Gordon B. Hinckley – “A Tragic Evil
Among Us” Oct. 2004 General Conference
4) “President Joseph F.
Smith, in his vision of the Savior’s visit among the spirits of the dead, saw
that “unto the wicked he did not go, and among the ungodly and the unrepentant
who had defiled themselves while in the flesh, his voice was not raised”” (D&C
138: 20).
“Now, my brethren, I do not wish to be negative. I am by nature optimistic. But in such matters as this I am a realist. If we are involved in such behavior, now is
the time to change. Let this be our hour of resolution. Let us turn about to a better way.”
“Said the Lord: “Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall
thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the
priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven.”
““The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an
unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an
everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee
forever and ever” (D&C 121: 45 – 46).
How could any man wish for more? These
supernal blessings are promised to those who walk in virtue before the Lord and
before all men.”
Gordon B. Hinckley – “A Tragic Evil
Among Us” Oct. 2004 General Conference
5) “The flood of
pornographic filth, the inordinate emphasis on sex and violence are not
peculiar to North America. The situation is as bad in Europe and in many other
areas. The whole dismal picture indicates a weakening rot seeping into the very
fiber of society.”
“Legal restraints against deviant moral behavior are eroding under
legislative enactments and court opinions. This is done in the name of freedom
of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of choice in so-called personal
matters. But the bitter fruit of these so-called freedoms has been enslavement
to debauching habits and behavior that leads only to destruction. A prophet,
speaking long ago, aptly described the process when he said, “And thus the
devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell”” (2
Nephi 28:21).
Gordon B. Hinckley – “In Opposition to
Evil” Sep. 2004 Ensign Magazine
6) “The tide of evil flows. Today it has
become a veritable flood. Most of us, living somewhat sheltered lives, have
little idea of the vast dimensions of it. Billions of dollars are involved for
those who pour out pornography, for those who peddle lasciviousness, for those
who deal in perversion, in sex and violence. God give us the strength, the
wisdom, the faith, the courage as citizens to stand in opposition to these and
to let our voices be heard in defense of those virtues which, when practiced in
the past, made men and nations strong, and which, when neglected, brought them
to decay.”
“God lives. He is our strength and our
helper. As we strive, we shall discover that legions of good men and women will
join with us. Let us begin now.”
Gordon B. Hinckley – “In Opposition to
Evil” Sep. 2004 Ensign Magazine
7) “Come with me for a moment to a place
portrayed in song—dear to the heart of America—New York City’s world-famous
landmark of Broadway and Forty-fifth Street. There, standing so forlornly alone
on a tiny island surrounded by bustling traffic, is a heroic-size statue of
Father Francis P. Duffy, well-known chaplain of the Fighting Sixty-ninth of World
War I fame. He wears the uniform of the battlefield. He carries a canteen to
relieve the physical distress of the wounded and a Bible to bring spiritual
comfort to the dying.”
“As we gaze at this splendid statue, there courses through memory’s
corridors such melodies of the period as “Over There,” “Keep the Home Fires
Burning,” and “Give My Regards to Broadway.” Were those fallen warriors who
knew the song and remembered with affection Broadway and Forty-fifth Street to
return and stand with us at the side of Father Duffy’s statue, what sight would
meet their eyes and ours? On every hand are massage parlors, sex shops, X-rated
movies—the neon-lighted signs flashing their facade of allure. The statue of
Father Francis P. Duffy stands surrounded by sin, engulfed by evil. The pornography beetle has just about destroyed this area.
He moves relentlessly closer to your city, your neighborhood, and your
Thomas S. Monson – “Pornography, The
Deadly Carrier” Oct. 1979 General Conference
8) “In our day the dreadful influence of pornography
is like unto a plague sweeping across the world, infecting one here and one
there, relentlessly trying to invade every home, most frequently through the
husband and father. The effect of this plague can be, unfortunately often is,
spiritually fatal. Lucifer seeks to disrupt “the great plan of redemption,”
“the great plan of happiness.””
will always repel the Spirit of Christ and will interrupt the communications
between our Heavenly Father and His children and disrupt the tender
relationship between husband and wife.”
Boyd K. Packer – “Cleansing the Inner
Vessel” Oct. 2010 General Conference
9) “I
recently had an insightful conversation with a 15-year-old Aaronic Priesthood
holder. He helped me understand how easy it is in this Internet age for young
people to almost inadvertently be exposed to impure and even pornographic
images. He pointed out that for most principles the Church teaches, there is at
least some recognition in society at large that violating these principles can
have devastating effects on health and well-being. He mentioned cigarette
smoking, drug use, and alcohol consumption by young people. But he noted that
there is no corresponding outcry or even a significant warning from society at
large about pornography or immorality.”
“My dear brothers and sisters, this young man’s analysis is correct.
What is the answer? For years, prophets and apostles have taught the importance
of religious observance in the home.
Parents, the days are long past when
regular, active participation in Church meetings and programs, though
essential, can fulfill your sacred responsibility to teach your children to
live moral, righteous lives and walk uprightly before the Lord. With President
Monson’s announcement this morning, it is essential that this be faithfully
accomplished in homes which are places of refuge where kindness, forgiveness,
truth, and righteousness prevail. Parents must have the courage to filter or
monitor Internet access, television, movies, and music. Parents must have the
courage to say no, defend truth, and bear powerful testimony. Your children
need to know that you have faith in the Savior, love your Heavenly Father, and
sustain the leaders of the Church. Spiritual maturity must flourish in our
Quentin L. Cook – “Can
Ye Feel So Now?” Oct. 2012 General
10) ““Why is there
so much moral decay around us, and why are so many individuals and families,
including some in the Church, falling victim to it, being tragically scarred by
But, of course, I knew at least part of
the answer to my own question. Most days we all find ourselves assaulted by
immoral messages of some kind flooding in on us from every angle. The darker
sides of the movie, television, and music industry step further and further
into offensive language and sexual misconduct. Tragically, the same computer
and Internet service that allows me to do my family history and prepare those
names for temple work could, without filters and controls, allow my children or
grandchildren access to a global cesspool of perceptions that could blast a
crater in their brains forever.”
Jeffrey R. Holland – “Place No More for the Enemy of
My Soul” Apr. 2010 General Conference
11) “Above all, start by separating yourself
from people, materials, and circumstances that will harm you. As those battling
something like alcoholism know, the pull of proximity can be fatal. So too in
moral matters. Like Joseph in the presence of Potiphar’s wife, just run—run as far away as you can get
from whatever or whoever it is that beguiles you. And please, when fleeing the
scene of temptation, do not leave a forwarding address.”
“Acknowledge that people bound by the
chains of true addictions often need more help than self-help, and that may
include you. Seek that help and welcome it. Talk to your bishop. Follow his
counsel. Ask for a priesthood blessing. Use the Church’s Family Services
offerings or seek other suitable professional help. Pray without ceasing. Ask
for angels to help you.”
“Along with filters on computers and a
lock on affections, remember that the only real control in life is
self-control. Exercise more control over even the marginal moments that
confront you. If a TV show is indecent, turn it off. If a movie is crude, walk
out. If an improper relationship is developing, sever it. Many of these
influences, at least initially, may not technically be evil, but they can blunt
our judgment, dull our spirituality, and lead to something that could be evil.
An old proverb says that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, so watch your step.”
“Like thieves in the night, unwelcome
thoughts can and do seek entrance to our minds. But we don’t have to throw open
the door, serve them tea and crumpets, and then tell them where the silverware
is kept! (You shouldn’t be serving tea anyway.) Throw the rascals out! Replace
lewd thoughts with hopeful images and joyful memories; picture the faces of
those who love you and would be shattered if you let them down. More than one
man has been saved from sin or stupidity by remembering the face of his mother,
his wife, or his child waiting somewhere for him at home. Whatever thoughts you
have, make sure they are welcome in your heart by invitation only. As an
ancient poet once said, let will be your reason.”
“Cultivate and be where the Spirit
of the Lord is. Make sure that includes your own home or apartment, dictating
the kind of art, music, and literature you keep there. If you are endowed, go
to the temple as often as your circumstances allow. Remember that the temple
arms you “with [God’s] power, … [puts His] glory … round about [you], and
[gives His] angels … charge over [you].”
And when you leave the temple, remember the symbols you take with
you, never to be set aside or forgotten.”
Jeffrey R. Holland – “Place No More for the Enemy of
My Soul” Apr. 2010 General Conference
It’s been so hard to search for quotes for my term paper here
But if one family is saved by having to, it’s clear:
I feel this paper was inspired, the subjects, like inspired
And I understand the reasons why this topic was required.
Though now I find this statement of my feelings hard to
If one young soul is helped by this, and brought to heaven’s
Then, let the heavens shout for joy and I will sing along!
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