Thursday, November 3, 2016


Verily, verily saith the Lord,
The people now have struck a chord
With instruments so out of tune
I think to turn them off - and soon!
Who has contention in his heart
Has need of change and better start!
Contention does not come from me
But of the devil, don’t you see?
He moves the hearts of men to ire
To burn their souls with lasting fire.
My word is that such things should cease
And all mankind should live in peace.
So, get your instruments in tune
For I will be returning soon.
Repent, oh mankind!  Turn to me.
My peace will set all nations free.

The Horse Said "Nay!"

I asked, when riding far that wintry day,
"Should we stop here, before the fall of night?"
Above the wind, I heard the horse say, "Nay."
And so I traveled on through waning light.

The wind picked up, and soon, I saw the snow.
I said, "We should stop soon.  What do you say?"
The wicked wind like mad began to blow,
Yet once again, the silly horse said, "Nay!"

Before too long, I could not feel my feet.
"Let's stop!"  I cried, but started then to swoon.
I slumped.  I slid.  I landed in the street.
The horse looked down and said, "It's ne'er too soon!"

Perhaps, in truth, I dreamed his last retort.
I, looking up, cried out, "It's all your fault!"
But looking down, he answered with a snort,
"Before the sun had set, I wished to halt!"

I shouted, "You're the one who chose to carry on!
I asked, but you distinctly answered "NAY!"
He shook his head and said, as I passed on,
"You stupid man! All horses answer "NEIGH!"