Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Horse Said "Nay!"

I asked, when riding far that wintry day,
"Should we stop here, before the fall of night?"
Above the wind, I heard the horse say, "Nay."
And so I traveled on through waning light.

The wind picked up, and soon, I saw the snow.
I said, "We should stop soon.  What do you say?"
The wicked wind like mad began to blow,
Yet once again, the silly horse said, "Nay!"

Before too long, I could not feel my feet.
"Let's stop!"  I cried, but started then to swoon.
I slumped.  I slid.  I landed in the street.
The horse looked down and said, "It's ne'er too soon!"

Perhaps, in truth, I dreamed his last retort.
I, looking up, cried out, "It's all your fault!"
But looking down, he answered with a snort,
"Before the sun had set, I wished to halt!"

I shouted, "You're the one who chose to carry on!
I asked, but you distinctly answered "NAY!"
He shook his head and said, as I passed on,
"You stupid man! All horses answer "NEIGH!"

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