Thursday, November 3, 2016


Verily, verily saith the Lord,
The people now have struck a chord
With instruments so out of tune
I think to turn them off - and soon!
Who has contention in his heart
Has need of change and better start!
Contention does not come from me
But of the devil, don’t you see?
He moves the hearts of men to ire
To burn their souls with lasting fire.
My word is that such things should cease
And all mankind should live in peace.
So, get your instruments in tune
For I will be returning soon.
Repent, oh mankind!  Turn to me.
My peace will set all nations free.

The Horse Said "Nay!"

I asked, when riding far that wintry day,
"Should we stop here, before the fall of night?"
Above the wind, I heard the horse say, "Nay."
And so I traveled on through waning light.

The wind picked up, and soon, I saw the snow.
I said, "We should stop soon.  What do you say?"
The wicked wind like mad began to blow,
Yet once again, the silly horse said, "Nay!"

Before too long, I could not feel my feet.
"Let's stop!"  I cried, but started then to swoon.
I slumped.  I slid.  I landed in the street.
The horse looked down and said, "It's ne'er too soon!"

Perhaps, in truth, I dreamed his last retort.
I, looking up, cried out, "It's all your fault!"
But looking down, he answered with a snort,
"Before the sun had set, I wished to halt!"

I shouted, "You're the one who chose to carry on!
I asked, but you distinctly answered "NAY!"
He shook his head and said, as I passed on,
"You stupid man! All horses answer "NEIGH!"

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Remember, Remember

My son, give ear and learn in youth.
Obey the Lord and live his truth.
Commandments given unto you
Can stand as blessings for you too.
If you obey the Lord’s command
He then will bless you in the land.
By simple things, the great arise
And small means oft confound the wise.
Remember, oh, remember, son.
By heeding God, the prize is won
And you will prosper in the land
When you obey the Lord’s command.
So, search the scriptures all your days
That you may better know his ways
And pray as you lay down at night
That God may keep you in his sight.
And then, at dawn, when you arise,
Thank him who kept you with his eyes
And cry to him for your support.
Don’t let him be your last resort
But seek his will in all you do
To call his blessings unto you.
Do not be slothful as of old
When people let their faith grow cold
And wandered long for faith had failed
As if their vision had been veiled.
Behold these words.  Take heed.  Obey.
And God will point you in his way;
The way that brings eternal bliss.
Take heed.  God wants no more than this.
Receive the gifts God longs to give.
Remember.  Look to God, and live.


I know it's a little early for Christmas carols, but I've been trying to write one for years.  I figured that I would post some of my attempts.  Don't worry.  I won't post the really bad ones.  You might not even think the really bad ones are all that bad, but I'm a little picky.  So, here's your first one, inspired by Nephi's vision.


Behold the town of Nazareth,

A virgin, white and fair

And come to know the love of God

That's demonstrated there.

Now see the lovely virgin fair,

A baby at her breast,

The mother of the Son of God

In the manner of the flesh.

Behold as well the Lamb of God,

The Son of God above.

Now understand the tree of life.

It stands for God’s great love.

The love of God is spread abroad

Within the hearts of man.

Delicious to the souls of all

Who heed his joyful plan.

Hmmm.  Obviously, not very Christmas Carolish.